Soft Pink Bridal Bouquet
Soft Pink Bridal Bouquet
Soft Pink Bridal Bouquet is a dreamy arrangement of delicate blush tones, perfect for brides seeking a romantic and elegant touch. This bouquet features soft pink roses, gentle greenery, and subtle floral accents, creating a timeless and graceful look for your special day. Handcrafted with attention to detail, this bouquet adds an air of sophistication to any wedding. Order the Soft Pink Bridal Bouquet for a picture-perfect celebration, available for delivery now.
* Flower varieties and colours variations may vary due to seasonal availability but will always be selected and styled with love to make a beautiful long-lasting bouquet - the perfect gift, thank you, or decoration for your home. All bouquets are wet wrapped for freshness.
Bouquet Size Guide
Bouquet Size Guide
Bento Bouquet:
6-7 stems, including greenery.
Size: ~25cm x 30cm
XS Bouquet:
8-10 stems, including greenery.
Size: ~35cm x 40cm
S Bouquet:
12-15 stems, including greenery.
Size: ~45cm x 50cm
M Bouquet:
16-19 stems, including greenery.
Size: ~50cm x 55cm
L Bouquet:
25-28 stems, including greenery.
Size: ~60cm x 60cm
WOW Bouquet:
33-35 stems, including greenery.
Size: ~70cm x 70cm
Check our Visual Size Guide page
Delivery schedule
Delivery schedule
Auckland delivery*
(Mon-Fr): 12pm - 2pm and 4pm - 6pm.
(Sat): 12pm - 4pm.
* Local delivery times may vary within the slot. Contact us to arrange a suitable time.
Delivery rate is calculated in checkout depending on postcode.
For the Same-Day delivery place order before 1pm.
Pickup schedule
Pickup schedule
Northcote store pickup:
(Mon-Fri) : 9am - 5pm.
(Sat): 9am - 2:30pm.
Caring for your bouquet:
1. Prepare your vase: Fill it with clean, cool water deep enough to cover the stems, and dissolve the included packet of flower food.
2. Trim the stems: Use a clean, sharp knife or secateurs to cut the ends of the stems before placing them in the water. You can keep the decorative wrapping on, just ensure it doesn’t touch the water.
3. Maintain freshness: Regularly change the water and re-trim the stems to keep your bouquet looking its best.
4. Optimal placement: Keep your flowers away from drafts, direct sunlight, and heat sources to extend their lifespan.
5. Extend their beauty: As individual flowers begin to wilt, remove them to help the remaining blooms last longer.