Santa’s Christmas Bouquet
Santa’s Christmas Bouquet
Celebrate the season with our festive Santa’s Christmas Bouquet, a stunning combination of red and white blooms inspired by Santa’s classic colors. This arrangement features fresh seasonal flowers, lush greenery, and decorative holiday accents, perfect for adding charm to your Christmas celebrations. Whether as a thoughtful gift or a beautiful centerpiece, this bouquet brings the joy and magic of Christmas to any occasion. Available for delivery across Auckland. Order now and spread holiday cheer with this elegant floral design!
Delivery schedule
Delivery schedule
Auckland delivery*
(Mon-Fr): 12pm - 2pm and 4pm - 6pm.
(Sat): 12pm - 4pm.
* Local delivery times may vary within the slot. Contact us to arrange a suitable time.
Delivery rate is calculated in checkout depending on postcode.
For the Same-Day delivery place order before 1pm.
Pickup schedule
Pickup schedule
Northcote store pickup:
(Mon-Fri) : 9am - 5pm.
(Sat): 9am - 2:30pm.