Lavender Christmas Bouquet
Lavender Christmas Bouquet
Celebrate the festive season with our stunning Lavender Christmas Bouquet. Featuring elegant lavender-toned blooms, adorned with mini Christmas trees, ornaments, and seasonal greenery, this bouquet adds a unique and sophisticated touch to your holiday celebrations. Perfect as a thoughtful gift or a centerpiece for your Christmas decor, this arrangement is a blend of elegance and festive charm. Available for delivery across Auckland, it’s a beautiful way to spread holiday cheer. Order now to enjoy the magic of flowers this Christmas!
Delivery schedule
Delivery schedule
Auckland delivery*
(Mon-Fr): 12pm - 2pm and 4pm - 6pm.
(Sat): 12pm - 4pm.
* Local delivery times may vary within the slot. Contact us to arrange a suitable time.
Delivery rate is calculated in checkout depending on postcode.
For the Same-Day delivery place order before 1pm.
Pickup schedule
Pickup schedule
Northcote store pickup:
(Mon-Fri) : 9am - 5pm.
(Sat): 9am - 2:30pm.